What Does It Mean to Take Action? A Dreamer's Quest for Reality...

Visual Diggers Project

Your creative community

Hey there, Visual Digger!

I’ve always been a dreamer filled with ideas, but turning those dreams into reality has often been a challenge for me.

I’d have all these brilliant solutions in my head, yet when I looked back, there wasn’t much to show for it. Ironically, I wasn’t really reflecting on my past either.

I’m sharing this not to label myself, but to show that change is possible. There was a time when I felt stuck and frustrated, desperately searching for my full potential.

My partner pointed out that, despite my constant flow of new ideas, I wasn’t actually bringing them to life.

This feedback came from others as well; more than one astrologer mentioned that I was remaining passive for certain reasons and that it was important to overcome this. It became clear that I heard what I needed to hear most.

And you know what?

Even though I had done plenty of self-development work, I still felt like I was stuck in the same loop. Then I found Purification Meditation which is a Buddhist method to release yourself from repetitive patterns and move forward, and that’s when things finally started to shift for me. I completed a teacher training course for this method last spring.

The process involves visualizing the world you want, reflecting on past actions that may have affected others and blocked that vision, stopping inertia, and ultimately taking opposite actions.

Since I began my meditation practice, I've gained clarity on the actions I need to take and a deeper understanding of why those actions are important. This awareness has motivated me to take decisive steps forward.

I can now break my dreams down into manageable steps and feel empowered to follow through. Even if meditation isn’t your preference, breaking your dreams into smaller, actionable steps can still be a transformative approach.

I want creativity to be a big part of my life, so I’ve started taking specific steps to make it happen. I share them here to help others too, as the love within me keeps expanding, and I’ve come to understand the true meaning of connection.

We have so many abundant resources, and sharing them only makes them grow. When you focus on planting good seeds, you help nurture the growth of something truly special.

Alright, but what is the ultimate goal of taking action, and how can I recognize and feel fulfilled?

As we navigate our lives, we all have personal milestones to mark beginnings and endings. However, we often rely on a calendar that doesn’t reflect the natural rhythms of life. We tend to start fresh on January 1st, despite the fact that this date is disconnected from the seasonal cycles we experience.

This got me thinking - why do we feel the need to categorize life into stages? Perhaps it’s because we’ve internalized a one-dimensional view of time, expecting everything to have a clear start and end. But life is more fluid than that.

Yes, there are small beginnings and endings woven into the fabric of our lives, but we’re not truly on a path with a specific destination. We’re always in motion, even when it doesn’t feel that way.

Take the example of Achilles, the swift hero of the Trojan War, who races a tortoise. The tortoise is given an advantage, and it seems everyone believes Achilles will quickly pass it. However, to overtake the tortoise, Achilles must first reach its starting point.

By the time he gets there, the tortoise has already moved forward. Although the distance between them narrows due to their differing speeds, every time Achilles reaches the tortoise’s last position, the tortoise moves ahead again.

No matter how fast we run, we cannot catch up. No matter how hard we try, we cannot truly arrive. The journey is an illusion - making us feel as though we are progressing while we exist in a state that doesn’t actually move us from one point to another.

This is why we often think that without major movement, nothing significant is happening. We become fixated on the next starting or destination point, which inevitably leads to a cycle of unhappiness.

The notion of having nowhere to reach, no peak to climb, and simply being in the moment is incredibly light. Instead of waiting for something new to begin just because a previous experience has ended, I remind myself that I am already in a state of becoming.

So, if you’re feeling the pressure to "arrive" at a certain destination, remember that you’re already on the journey. This is why we often hear the cliché, "There’s no place you need to be other than where you are right now." Within that idea lies true beauty.

The thought of not having a destination may seem strange and even frightening to the ego. The ego loves to chase goals and may feel as though it has lost its plaything, becoming aimless and directionless. What? No place to reach!

How expert do I need to be ready to start my journey?

Here’s a little reminder that every expert you admire once started out as a beginner. They thrive on that sense of newness and dive in with an almost child-like curiosity. It’s a good thing since it’s a sign you’re learning.

Your life will change when you learn to embrace the discomfort of being a beginner. The key to achieving something meaningful lies in persevering through the days, weeks, and even years of trial and error. In other words, it’s all about consistency.

Remember, you’re not a failure if you don’t get it right the first time. The real loss lies in not trying at all.

What even is an “expert” these days? Most of the people I’ve worked with don't have fancy titles or degrees declaring them as experts. They simply have the knowledge and skills I need and are willing to put themselves out there.

A glowing review or a solid testimonial often holds more power than any certification. So, if you’re holding back because you don’t feel “expert enough,” remember this: while you’re waiting to feel ready, others are out there learning, building, and growing. You can too!

Expertise is relative. If you know more than your audience about a topic, you already have something valuable to share. And by teaching others, you’ll deepen your expertise along the way.

That said, I've started something I had been hesitant to begin because I was waiting to become an expert: I’m now condensing the ideas I share here on LinkedIn. If you're interested in quick reads, feel free to follow me!

The concept of "taking action" gains a new perspective when we explore the balance between feminine and masculine energies. It’s not just about the hustle culture we often hear about.

Also, depending on your human design type, action may look quite different for you. Some of us thrive by resting and attracting opportunities simply by being our authentic selves, rather than grinding 24/7.

I’ll delve deeper into these ideas in the next newsletter to expand on turning dreams into reality. In the meantime, feel free to share any questions or thoughts you have. I’d love to chat!


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