🏳️ Embracing Artistic Envy

Hi Visual Digger!

I deeply value art, especially when it's uniquely unconventional, evoking emotions that stir my soul. Sometimes, it even sparks a mix of wonder and a touch of envy, making me wish I could create something similar. I am curious, have you ever felt that way?

Recently, I had one of those moments. Last weekend, while watching Miyazaki's "Howl’s Moving Castle" and Juzo Itami's "Tampopo" with friends, a friend of mine noticed I got really quiet. It was because I was totally captivated by the amazing art in the movies and dealing with negative emotions at the same time! Somewhere in the second movie of the night, I felt a surge of jealousy warming my body. It made me wonder if it was even worth pursuing art if I couldn't make something that good. Is it true?

Then I remembered what came to me while I was doing purification meditation that morning. Purification is a Buddhist meditation method aimed at transforming negative patterns. I'm even starting a training program to dive deeper into it and learn how to teach others.

Anyway, that morning I was practicing the purification meditation under the guidance of my teacher. We explored a specific area we wished to improve, seeking guidance from our transformed selves. So powerful.

Thinking about my jealousy towards art and how my transformed self would handle it, I started asking myself questions.

  • Do I need to be the best artist, and what does being the best even mean?
  • How can I evolve simply into a better version of myself?
  • What if I continue creating art simply for the joy it brings?
  • What would my wise version do and how would she do it?
  • How might my life be transformed if I perceived the world through the perspective of my future self, liberated from jealousy and brimming with inspiration drawn from other artists as if they were embodiments of my wisdom?

Making that connection left me feeling incredibly inspired and empowered. It fuels my passion for the idea of transforming our thoughts when we feel stuck in art and refining the skills to do so swiftly. Now, I'm prepared for the photo shoot I'm doing this weekend, and I'm writing this newsletter with genuine excitement. Oh, and I'm also thankful for the inspiration I got from Miyazaki and Juzo Itami, along with my meditation practice and your supportive presence here.


Ezgi at VDP

Visual Diggers Project (VDP)

VDP aims to be a resource for creatives and create a community for visual artists. Subscribe to the newsletter for advice on unlocking creativity, creative business, regular pep talks, and all kinds of substance-packed goodness.

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