Life transitions, art, and us

Hey Reader,

We all go through significant life transitions at some point, whether it's moving to new places, losing someone, or embarking on the journey of marriage. These experiences shape us in profound ways and continue to influence our lives even long after they occur.

In my case, I went through a major transition seven years ago, both professionally and personally. I made the decision to shift from engineering to pursue my passion for photography, all while simultaneously moving to a new country.

As I pause and listen to myself, I realize that these transformative moments still hold great significance for me. I carry the lessons learned from this transition into every aspect of my life, allowing me to grow and thrive in new and unexpected ways.

Listening to myself more completely changed the trajectory of my journey.

In our creative lives, we often encounter shadows when it comes to decision-making and listening to our intuition. We find ourselves sabotaging our own desires or dismissing them as unattainable.

Through the latest blog post, I aim to share my career change experience and shed light on various aspects of embracing change.

While each person's journey is unique, there are undoubtedly common threads that connect us all. What are your methods to handle life transitions?

Thank you for being here, and I look forward to connecting with you through the VDP blog.


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